Islamic Art Work - People Of Beauty - Inspirational A2 Canvas Landscape
Original art piece which had been in the making for several years but now finally captured on this stunning landscape print. The work identifies in an imaginative context the depth of the written word on the mind and it’s affect through our actions. Interestingly the image, beautifully depicted, illustrates this sentiment of the power of words whilst juxtaposing this with the manner in which actions can reflect this aim.
It’s quite often said that actions speak louder than words and the image shown certainly proves this point quite dramatically. Words are indeed the ocean for which we can drown in but most importantly use them to steer us in the direction we wish to sail upon.
Inspirational text from the ‘people of beauty’ as written in Arabic highlights the responsibility each one of us has to behaving in a manner most pleasing to God. Indeed knowledge is far superior than blissful ignorance.
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